God Made Me
My name is Flore Ann C. Peloquero I am 42 years old . I live in Brgy Sto. Domingo , Barotac Viejo Iloilo. I am already married. I am Kindergarten teacher for almost 12 years.I am happy to be a apart of life of a little young mind learners. God is really good to me because he is always guide me everything that I want to do or plans ,because according to the bible says "delight yourself in the LORD and he will give you the desires of heart. So my heart is always desires to the little learners to help. God has a purpose why he is chosen me as a teacher. Being a kindergarten teacher is hard but it is happy and feel of fullfilment. If your learners know how to write their names ,read letters, words, and count numbers. As I remember when I was a child I dont want to be a teacher ,but God has planned for me. My parents brought up in a church . Every Sunday I attending a Sunday School. In church I trained to be a Sunday School teacher to the children.For how many years that I become a Sunday School teacher . I learned to love and enjoyed. So , I decided to took a BEEd Course , I instill my minds that someday I want to be a teacher , not only a teacher but a good teacher in order to impart my knowledge to my learners, and molds to the young ones. Everything has a purpose ,and everything happen in life has a circumstances. I thank God that I am a chosen one to a be a teacher and an educator .God made me!
God bless everyone !
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